There are four different ways to measure body temperature

By Marketing Lexuma 0 comments

The temperature of the human body can be measured in several regions of the body. The ear, forehead, mouth, armpit, and rectum are the most common parts.

The usual body temperature range for adults, teenagers, children, and babies is shown in the table below, but everyone's body temperature is somewhat different and may be slightly higher or lower.

Hygiene, coronavirus, body temperature, non contact thermometer, thermometer, ear thermometer, fever, forehead thermometer, flu, cough, sick, measure temperature


4 Common Types of Measurement:


 Oral Measurement: Mouth

A sublingual measurement can be taken from an oral measurement (under the tongue). It is our body's core temperature, however it may be influenced by the food we ate before taking the measurement. After we eat, drink, or smoke, we should usually wait half an hour. Adults and children who have completed primary school are advised to use it for safety reasons. The usual oral temperature range is between 35.5 and 37.5 degrees Celsius. The digital thermometer is commonly used to measure the temperature under the tongue; nevertheless, the hygiene issue is the most important consideration.

Hygiene, coronavirus, body temperature, non contact thermometer, thermometer, ear thermometer, fever, forehead thermometer, flu, cough, sick, measure temperature

 Axillary Measurement: Armpit 

Our armpits are different temperatures at different phases of fever.

For example, if we are about to get a fever, our body surface will begin to cool down, and our temperature will be lower than normal. Furthermore, this form of measuring takes a lengthy period, such as 5 minutes. The usual axillary temperature range is between 34.7 and 37.3 degrees Celsius. The mercury-in-glass thermometer is typically used to check the temperature of the armpit.


Hygiene, coronavirus, body temperature, non contact thermometer, thermometer, ear thermometer, fever, forehead thermometer, flu, cough, sick, measure temperature


 Tympanic Measurement: Ear 

The most precise method of measurement is to use infrared rays to monitor blood flow in our ear's veins. The temperature of the tympanic membrane is normally 0.3–0.6°C higher than the temperature of the mouth. The measurement result will be received in seconds after inserting the thermometer tip into the ear canal. However, because it necessitates professional procedures, it is normally carried out by clinical staff. The Ear Infrared Thermometer is a common tool for this assessment; however, because it involves direct touch with the patient, the cleanliness issue is also a major concern.

Hygiene, coronavirus, body temperature, non contact thermometer, thermometer, ear thermometer, fever, forehead thermometer, flu, cough, sick, measure temperature

Skin Surface Measurement: Forehead 

Using infrared rays to monitor the temperature of our skin surface is the safest approach to measure. Because of its ease of use, it is frequently used for temperature screening. It's also the safest technique to take the patient's body temperature without having to touch them, and the results are available in seconds. When the people being measured are contaminated, employing this technique could help to avoid direct contact with the infectors. In this procedure, a non-contact infrared thermometer is typically used in the home or for temperature screening in a public space or hospital.

